Unapproved Minutes 16th January 2025

Minutes of the Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council meeting held on 
16th January 2025 at 7pm in Ramsden Village Hall
Present: Cllr Pam Powell (Chair), Cllr Tony Deal, Cllr David Makins, 
Cllr Caroline Wills-Wright
Also in attendance: D Money - Parish Clerk, District Councillor Grover.
Two residents were in attendance.
55. To open the meeting and welcome
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.07pm.
56. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence Cllr Isobel Godsell sent apologies, which were accepted.
57. No pecuniary interests were declared.
58. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on the 21st November 2024 as a true record and the Chair signed the minutes.
District Councillor Grover arrived at 7.10pm
59. To receive reports from the County and District councillors.
County Councillor Gray was unable to attend and sent his apologies, his report was sent via email and circulated to all councillors, prior to the meeting.  This will be published on our website.
District Councillor Grover reported, that residents are now able pay the annual fee for garden waste collection at £52.50. A WhatsApp channel has been set up to share information from East Lindsey, however this is a one way channel, so you are unable to reply or message the council using this app. Over the next few months three new bins will be added to each household, the first two will be a 5 litre food bin for within the house, and a 25 litre curb side bin for the collection.  We are awaiting further details regarding the collection process and the frequency of collections.
60. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
It was noted that the current account balance was £2589.81 and the 32-day interest balance: £15,684.45, as of 16th January 2025.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations 
The bank reconciliations for November and December were noted and signed by Cllr Makins.
c) To consider and approve a budget for 2024/25
It was resolved to approve a budget of £12,735
d) To consider and approve a precept for 2025/26
It was resolved to keep the precept demand as the previous two years being £11,424.
e) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
13.12.24 Victoria Clark mid-term audit £60.00
20.11.24 Darren Sharp bench maintenance (Parish Councils Act 1957 s.1) £475.00
15.03.25 LALC Subscriptions £154.20
08.01.25 Signed For Letter £3.35
11.01.25 Ink £26.89
16.01.25 Notice Board Key £4.79
31.01.25 Mileage £66.60
31.01.25 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £342.11
28.02.25 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £342.11 
 f) To note any income received since the last meeting
The following income was noted:
30.11.24 Bank interest £31.03
31.12.24 Bank interest £31.87
61. Planning
No planning or decisions received  
62. Village issues
a) The Neighbourhood Watch report was circulated, prior to meeting and will be placed on the Council’s website. Linda Creedy, read out her report and was thanked for all of her continued work and support. 
b) To receive an update on highways matters.
Hagnaby Road past the exit of Kings Court the bank is falling and in some places it has collapsed to the tarmac.  Cllr Wills-Wright to report on Fix My Street.
Drainage issues with blocked drains, causing numerous amount of damage, to the village.  This has all been reported on Fix My Street. 
c) There are still funds remaining from the Old playing field committee.  In October we received £500 of the funds, with a note explaining that receipts were available for the remainder balance and they would be supplied as soon as Ms Philips returned to the country.  She has now been back a few weeks and Parish Council has still not received either the payment outstanding or any paperwork showing expenditure. It was agreed that the clerk would send a letter requesting this, with a 14 days’ notice before passing it onto the small claims court. 
District Councillor Grover and Linda Creedy left the meeting at 8.34pm
63. Internal Parish Council issues
a) The PN Fencing Quote, was agreed during our SCT meeting.
b) Play Area signs, signs were agreed during the SCT meeting.
c) War Memorial repointing will be discussed at March’s Parish Council Meeting.  
d) To receive and note monthly playground checks Cllr Godsell was absent and will be moved to March’s Parish Council Meeting.
64. Clerk and Councillor Reports 
It was resolved to approve the following policies which were also emailed before the   meeting. Privacy, Abusive, Persistent Or Vexatious Complaints, Publications, Financial Reserves and the Complains Policy, these will be undated on the website. The mid-year audit was received and the minor action points have been addressed and actioned by the Clerk.
65. Matters for next agenda
a. War Memorial Repointing quotes and work.
b. Playground Checks
c. Ramsden Hall’s 70th Anniversary.
66. It was noted that the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council will be Thursday 20th March 2025 at 7pm                                                   
The meeting closed at  8.45pm