October 2019

Minutes of the Ramsden Hall Village Committee Meeting held on 15 th October 2019

Those present: Rowland Alexander, Julia Alexander Roy Hallam (Chair), David Makins, Yvonne Norbron,

Pam Powell, Debs Talmage, Carol Wilby

There were no members of the public present.

Apologies: None

Declarations of Interest: None were declared by those present

Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were to be signed as correct.

Matters arising: Following discussion the PC will take over responsibility for the proposed new carpark and new

playground because the village hall committee will be unable to obtain grants for these developments.


● Rowland stated that the bank balance at 30.09.19 was £12,000.38, petty cash £30.19. David checked the

bank statement.

● Income: Regular income plus one party and one new booking for Smoking Mirrors.

● Expenditure: Utilities : Electricity for was £30.59 (Aug)£31.11(Sept) Anglian Water £65.20 3 rd July to 1st

October - this is from an exact meter reading.

● Other expenses: £18.99 silverfish spray, £7.98 door draught strips, £11.59 paper towels, £35 ceramic tap


● A Thank you card had been received from Mr&Mrs Tagg together with £50 donation and £10 for laundry

services following their use of equipment from the hall for their son’s christening.

● A cheque for £3000 was signed to be put in the joint PC/VH account. Rowland expressed concern that the PC

had intimated that the PC part could be recalled in the case of an emergency in the village. The committee

decided if this happened it was fair that an equivalent amount should be returned to the committee funds

so that the contributions to the joint account remained equal . The PC will be informed of this at their next


Cleaning and Maintenance:

● Rowland stated that the boiler and fire extinguishers/PAT testing had been carried out. The heated plate

used by the Luncheon Club has a broken switch and should not be used until it is repaired. Dan

(Kingsgate)had been asked to repair it but as yet had not done so. One fire extinguisher needs replacing at a

cost of £58.58

● Door strips had been fitted on the front doors by Roy.

● Carol and Pam had emptied the cupboards in the kitchen and treated them for silverfish infestation. A locked

food cupboard had been created in the kitchen.

● A cleaning up session will be required outside once the leaves have fallen.

● Debs will provide a wire to use in the drainage holes on the ramp.

● David had made a cover for the drain on the ramp and Debs would provide chicken wire for the top of the

pipe to stop leaves going down the pipe.

● It was decided that as A&M had not attended to the boiler when they had arranged to do so Taylor’s would

be asked to service the boiler.


● Usual hall bookings continue

● Black Barn had booked to use the kitchen on Thursday mornings from 10-12. They had signed a key holder


● FOBC are planning a re-enactment event in August 2020 and the village hall could be involved with


● In future hirings an extra charge will be made on top of the hire charge to cover the cost of laundering the

tablecloths and tea towels.

● A review of hire charges is underway.

Proposed extension to the Hall

● Sam Smith is to be asked again by Carol for sample tender documents. Pam is to co-ordinate the architects

ready for the fee bid tender once these documents are completed as the PC had agreed at their last meeting

that three could be asked to tender.

● The Parish Clerk will be asked for advice about timings of the January meeting as the consultation meeting is

on 25 th January giving insufficient time for a report to be published.

● Carol is developing a grants application baseline document which covers many aspects including

refurbishment, analysis of need, an evaluation strategy, a legacy of funding and more. The Village plan holds

lots of relevant information and Bruce Talmage is to be asked for support with information gathering from

the plan material.

● Yvonne and Pam went Roughton Village Hall on 19 th September for a Cluster meeting for Community Lincs

Planned Events/Fund Fundraising

● Craft fair 26 th October

● Quiz night 1 st November

● 60 th Birthday party 9 th November

● Motown evening 29 th November

● Opwall Christmas lunch 20 th December

● Open village hall /consultation day 25 th January 2020

● Pudding night 7 th February

● Opwall conference April

● Plant sale 17 th May

Any Other Business:

Date of next meeting: 7 th Jauary 2020 at 7pm to discuss usual business but especially the Consultation meeting