Publication Scheme
Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council
Publication Scheme - Freedom of Information Act
Publication Scheme - Freedom of Information Act
1. This publication scheme commits Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. The information covered is included in the classes of information mentioned below, where this information is held by the authority. Additional assistance is provided to the definition of these classes in sector specific guidance manuals issued by the Information Commissioner.
2. The scheme commits Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council:
a. To proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information, including environmental information, which is held by the authority and falls within the classifications below.
b. To specify the information which is held by the authority and falls within the classifications below.
c. To proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information in line with the statements contained within this scheme.
d. To produce and publish the methods by which the specific information is made routinely available so that it can be easily identified and accessed by members of the public.
e. To review and update on a regular basis the information the authority makes available under this scheme.
f. To produce a schedule of any fees charged for access to information which is made proactively available.
g. To make this publication scheme available to the public.
h. To publish any dataset held by the authority that has been requested, and any updated versions it holds, unless the authority is satisfied that it is not appropriate to do so; to publish the dataset, where reasonably practicable, in an electronic form that is capable of re-use; and, if any information in the dataset is a relevant copyright work and the public authority is the only owner, to make the information available for re-use under a specified licence. The term ‘dataset’ is defined in section 11(5) of the Freedom of Information Act. The terms ‘relevant copyright work’ and ‘specified licence’ are defined in section 19(8) of that Act.
Class 1 Who we are and what we do Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council has seven seats available for election every four years at the same time as East Lindsey District Council elections. Vacancies are advertised as appropriate and can be filled by election or co-option. The Council employs one Clerk/ Responsible Financial Officer. The Council website is Council noticeboards can be found at Ramsden Village Hall and Hareby. The Council can be contacted on |
Information available from |
Who’s who on the Council |
Website Council noticeboards |
Contact details for Parish Clerk and Council members |
Website Council noticeboards All councillors can be contacted via the Clerk |
Location of main Council office and accessibility details |
The Council does not have an office. |
Class 2 What we spend and how we spend it Council finances are raised through a precept, paid by all residents as part of their annual council tax. The current financial situation is discussed in each Council meeting. All transactions are detailed in the relevant minutes of that meeting.
Information available from |
Annual return form and report by auditor |
Website |
Finalised budget |
Website |
Precept |
Website |
Borrowing Approval letter |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Financial Standing Orders and Regulations |
Website |
Grants given and received |
Hard copy from Clerk |
List of current contracts awarded and value of contract |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Members’ allowances and expenses |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Class 3 What our priorities are and how we are doing The Annual Parish Meeting, open to all electors, is held in May. |
Information available from |
Village Plan |
Website |
Annual Report to Parish or Community Meeting |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Quality status |
Not applicable |
Local charters drawn up in accordance with DCLG guidelines |
Not applicable |
Class 4 How we make decisions Council meetings are held on the third Thursday every other month and are open to the public. Each meeting starts with a period of public forum.
Information available from |
Timetable of meetings |
Website Council noticeboard |
Agendas of meetings |
Website |
Minutes of meetings |
Website |
Reports presented to council meetings |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Responses to consultation papers |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Responses to planning applications |
Website: minutes of relevant council meeting Comments made by Council on specific planning applications may be available at
Bye-laws |
Not applicable |
1 Documents relating to most planning applications can be found at ELDC Planning Online 2 Planning applications considered by Lincolnshire County Council can be found at |
Class 5 Our policies and procedures |
Information available from |
Policies and procedures for the conduct of council business: Procedural standing orders Committee and sub-committee terms of reference Delegated authority in respect of officers Code of Conduct Policy statements |
Policies and procedures for the provision of services and about the employment of staff: Internal instructions to staff and policies relating to the delivery of services Equality and diversity policy Health and safety policy Recruitment policies (including current vacancies) Policies and procedures for handling requests for information Complaints procedures (including those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme) |
Information security policy |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Records management policies (records retention, destruction and archive) |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Data protection policies |
Website |
Schedule of charges (for the publication of information) |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Class 6 Lists and Registers |
Information available from |
Any publicly available register or list |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Assets register |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Disclosure log |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Register of members’ interests |
Register of gifts and hospitality |
East Lindsey District Council Offices, Manby |
Class 7 The services we offer A Facebook page is managed to provide information about Council activities. |
Information available from |
Allotments |
N/A |
Burial grounds and closed churchyards |
N/A |
Community centres and village halls |
Website |
Parks, playing fields and recreational facilities |
Website |
Seating, litter bins, clocks, memorials and lighting |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Bus shelters |
N/A |
Markets |
N/A |
Public conveniences |
N/A |
Agency agreements |
N/A |
Services for which the council is entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees (e.g. burial fees) |
Hard copy from Clerk |
Contact details:
Clerk to Council: Mrs Deborah Money
Sunset View, Cowbroads Lane, Old Leake, Lincolnshire PE22 9QU
Exempt Material:
Personal information relating to Councillors (other than required to be declared in Register of Interests)
Personal information relating to employees
Tenders and bids from contractors and suppliers
(Note: Data Protection Legislation prohibits the publication of certain categories of information)
Charging Policy:
Information can be inspected, by appointment, on application to the Clerk
Information that can be copied without breaching copyright laws can be provided by hard copy at the cost per single sided A4 sheet of:
15p (black and white)
30p (colour).
A detailed search of records (for example the Council minutes or archive material) is subject to a charge of £15 per search plus the relevant photocopying charges.
Any photocopies sent by post will be subject to the actual cost of postage and packaging.
Any Statutory Fees will be charged in accordance with the relevant legislation.
The Parish Council is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office Registration number: Z659317X.
Note 1: Any information which is available on the Parish Council’s website is also available from the Clerk subject to the charges set out above for printed copies.
Note 2: Under Data Protection Legislation, the Council is required to review regularly the information that it keeps and to destroy that which does not form part of its official records. Residents wishing to inspect information are therefore requested to contact the Clerk to ensure that the information they require is still available.
Reviewed 01/2025
Next Review 01/2030