November 2019

28/11/2019. Neighbourhood watch report for old Bolingbroke.

There has been a lot of criminal activity in our village and surrounding area since our last Parish Council Meeting in September.

Spilsby, Holton Holgate , Horncastle and surrounding areas have suffered with house

burglaries and several sheds and out buildings broken into.

In surrounding areas items stolen from these buildings are power tools , top of the range cycles , batteries, chain saws, a quad bike and vehicles being tampered with.

As we are all well aware our village has suffered with three house break ins where money and jewellery were stolen.

Also an attempted break into a portable cabin. Nothing taken or removed from there.

Thank you to all our villagers for being so alert and vigilant.

It's this that helps to keep our village a safer place to live.

This is a prime time of year for burglaries because people are getting ready for Christmas and are out more often than normal.

The evenings are pulling in sooner with longer dark hours creating more opportunity

for criminals to commit offences.

Please can you make sure your property, sheds and outbuildings are secure and make them as difficult as possible for unknown persons to enter.

Please leave your lights on with timers when out when it's dark.

We had problems with a drone flying over selected properties too low and hovering for far too long a period of time. This is an infringement of privacy.

The drones should be kept at least 50 metres away from property , vehicles and


Please ring Lincolnshire Police on 101 if you experience a problem with a drones.

8adly two cats were shot and injured in our village by a 22 air rifle and one young

cat is still missing. These cats are much loved pets and an important part of a family.

If anyone sees , hears or is aware of anyone shooting a rifle from a garden or a property in our village please ring it in on a 101.

The Police are aware of this situation and have been making enquiries.

This is also a criminal offence and very cruel.