March 2021


Old Bolingbroke has been very quiet so far this year. Possibly owing to The Covid Virus and because of the restriction of movement, we have spent more time at home.

This may all change when restrictions are removed and empty properties may again become at risk from the criminal elements.

General Reminders.

Criminal opportunists will be looking for easy entrances into your property via an open window or an unlocked door.

It only takes a few minutes for them to gain entry and can happen while you are spending time in your gardens.

By keeping our homes, sheds, garages and outbuildings locked at all times including when we are at home and in the garden, it will make it much harder for criminals to get inside to steal our possessions.

Please do not leave garage doors and outbuildings open with garden equipment on display for opportunistic criminals to see and to come back at a later time to steal.

Make sure you do not leave your garden machinery unattended whilst you pop indoors for that cup of tea or phone call as it might not be there on your return.

Cold Calling.

Please remember Old Bolingbroke is a No Cold Calling Village.

This scheme was set up to protect our village from rogue traders and any unscrupulous persons trying to sell items on our door step.

Please do not be tempted to buy from them.

Dog Theft.

Sadly dog theft is on the increase .

I know all our village dog owners are passionate about their dogs and really care for them so this is just a gentle reminder.

It’s now well known that dogs are stolen from where ever a dog thief can get their hands on them.

Gardens are one of the most common places dogs are stolen from.

Please do not leave them unattended. Always keep them in your sight .

Make sure your garden is secure. It only takes a few minutes for them to disappear.

Never leave them unattended in your car or tied up outside a shop.

Beware of social media. Please do not post  photos of your dogs or your location on it .You never know who is watching.

Ensure your dog is microchipped. Get your vet to scan it regularly to make sure it is still working.

When out walking your dogs please vary the time and route you are taking and when letting them off the lead always keep them in your sight.

Be aware, alert  and be vigilant at all times.

If anyone is acting suspicious around you and your dog when out walking please report the incidents to the police.


If you see or hear anything suspicious in our village please ring it in on a 101 immediately to give the police a chance to attend .

If a car is involved please try to get the car registration, make and colour.
Also the description of anyone involved in or committing a crime.
Please stay alert and vigilant to keep our village a safer place to live.

Any problems concerning NHW please contact me on  01790 763521
or email me on

Linda Creedy NHW Co- Ordinator.