21st November 2024

Minutes of the Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council meeting held on 
21st November 2024 at 7pm in Ramsden Village Hall

Present: Cllr Pam Powell (Chair), Cllr Isobel Godsell, Cllr Tony Deal, Cllr David Makins, 
Cllr Caroline Wills-Wright

Also in attendance: D Money - Parish Clerk and County Councillor Gray. 

42.    The Chair opened the meeting at 19.02pm, and welcomed the new Clerk Deborah Money.

43.    All councillors were present.

44.    No pecuniary interests were declared.

45.    It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th September 2024 as a true record and the Chair signed the minutes.

46.    The County Councillor Gray was present and read through his report, which had been circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website, which includes the Call Connect price cap £2 single journeys and tickets are now available for Lincoln Castle Christmas Light switch on.  The District Councillor was not present, and no apologies received. 

47.    Clerks Contract was set before meeting and agreed and signed by Clerk and Chair on behalf of Parish Council.

48.    Finance
a)    It was noted that the current account was £19091.77 and the 32-day interest account £15632.24
b)    The October bank reconciliations were noted and signed by Cllr Makins 
c)    To approve the Clerk’s NALC pay award for scale 16 of £15.33/hour (63p increase),back pay was agreed for previous Clerk Jane Slaymaker of £109.20
d)    To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made:
11.11.24 PN Fencing £1800 requested a requote.
28.08.24 Andy Jackson grass cutting (Highways Act 1980 s.96) £545.00
04.11.24 Andy Jackson grass cutting (Highways Act 1980 s.96) £95.00
30.11.24 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £513.18
30.11.24 Clerk’s Expenses £62.11
31.12.24 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £342.11
21.11.24 Previous Clerk’s Backpay £109.20
21.11.24 HJS Brickwork Ltd £13064.08
21.11.24 Village Hall £2146.87    

e)    Income received since the last meeting
Interest Awaiting
04.10.24 HMRC £2251.61
07.10.24 Playground Committee Repayment £500.00
19.11.24 Ramsden Memorial Hall Grant £12499.50

49.    Planning
a)    It was resolved to support the planning applications ref 0119/24/TCA Mr Fenton O’Flynn T1 – Apple – Fell, T2 – Plum – Prune to clear driveway.  Garden House, West Keal Road, Old Bolingbroke.  No objections Clerk to contact ELDC.
b)    No planning decisions or appeal notifications had been received.

50.    Village issues
a)    The Neighbourhood Watch report had been circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website. Linda Creedy was not in attendance, but sent her apologies. 
b)    County Cllr Gray had updated on highways matters, including the timescale for the work on the War Memorial triangle, and the Horncastle Hill Road closure.
c)    Clerk and Cllr Godsell to liaise regarding all signage for George V playing field.  Signs were shown to councillors and agreed. 
d)    Christmas tree it was agreed to look at lights for Old Bolingbroke.
e)    Clerk to chase Street Solutions for the sand bags that were ordered.
51.    Internal Parish Council issues
a)    Terms for a Management Agreement between The Parish Council and the Trustees of the Ramsden Hall and George V Playing Field were agreed, and signed.

52.    Clerk and Councillor Reports 
Cllr Powell discussed new lights and a Christmas tree for Old Bolingbroke.  It was agreed to purchase another 10m of lights.
The War Memorial Trust responded to a pre-application for renewing mortar joints on the War Memorial. They will consider a full application for the work, if we are able to get some additional quotes.  This would be looked at again in the new year. 
Cllr Powell thanked the out going Clerk Jane Slaymaker for all her help and contributions to the Parish Council. 

53.    Matters for next agenda
a)    War Memorial Repointing quotes and work.
b)    End of year budget for Precept
c)    VE Day celebrations

54.    It was noted that the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council will be Thursday 16th January 2025 at 7pm                                                   

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm