19th September 2024

 Minutes of the Annual Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council meeting held on  19th September 2024 at 7pm in Ramsden Village Hall
Present: Cllr Pam Powell (Chair),     Cllr Isobel Godsell, Cllr Tony Deal,   Cllr David Makins,   Cllr Caroline Wills-Wright
Also in attendance: J Slaymaker - Parish Clerk
30. The Chair opened the meeting at 7.12pm.
31. There were no apologies.
32. No pecuniary interests were declared.
33. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on the 18th July 2024 as a true record and the Chair signed the minutes.
34. The County Councillor and District Councillor both sent apologies. The County Councillor report had been circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website. 
35. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
b) To formally note the bank reconciliation
c) The following payments were approved:
22.07.24 The Sign Shed – signage (LGA s.111) £12.45
09.08.24 PKF AGAR review £252.00
26.08.24 Andy Jackson grass cutting (Highways Act 1980 s.96) £345.00
26.08.24 Play Inspections – Annual play equipment inspection ()£130.80
26.08.24 Nigel Sardeson – Tree Safety report play area (LGA s.111) £150.00
26.08.24 Nigel Sardeson – Tree Safety report George V field £250.00
30.09.24 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £278.20
31.10.24 Salary £278.20
d) Income received since the last meeting
28.07.24 Interest £34.99
31.08.24 Interest £31.85
17.09.24 Precept 50% £5,712.00
36. Planning
a) It was resolved to support the planning applications ref S/018/01175/24 - Alterations to existing dwelling which is a listed building to provide 12 no. replacement windows at Candlelight Cottage, Back Lane, Old Bolingbroke and S/018/01176/24 Listed Building Consent - Alterations to existing dwelling to provide 12 no. replacement windows at Candlelight Cottage, Back Lane. The Clerk to contact ELDC.
b) No planning decisions or appeal notifications had been received.
c) No comment was made in response to an application for tree work at the Old Rectory, Old Bolingbroke.
37. Village issues
a) The Neighbourhood Watch report had been circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website. Linda Creedy sent apologies. Linda was thanked for her contributions. 
b) County Cllr Gray had updated on highways matters. The timescale for the work on the War Memorial triangle is to be agreed. A work order has been raised for the Hagnaby Beck culvert – removing a tree and silt from the culvert. The issue of silt on Hareby Hill is also being dealt with by LCC.
c) It was agreed that in the case of vegetation overhanging the highway initially the Parish Council to contact the owner of the tree etc. Then log it on Fix My Street. The County Council has powers to undertake the work and recharge the cost to the owner.
d) It was resolved to contribute 50% towards the purchase of a bench with the PCC, to be located near the church gate and action was delegated to the Clerk to progress the matter. Councillors to be consulted regarding the final design (under Parish Councils Act 1957 s.1).
e) It was decided not to continue contributing to and ordering copies of the Spilsby Explorer magazine
f) It was resolved to delegate action to the Clerk to obtain quotations for a bespoke sign for the George V field and proceed with the most favourable quotation. Councillors to be consulted regarding final sign layout and design. 
38. Internal Parish Council issues
a) It was resolved to re-adopt the following: Risk Management; Training; Expenses; Cllr Vacancy; Grants.
b) The conclusion of external audit of accounts was noted and it was resolved to approve the date for display of the notice of conclusion being 20th September 2024.
c) The visual Play Area Inspection Reports were noted. 
d) The Annual Play Inspection Report was noted. There were several low-risk items to be addressed.
e) It was resolved to purchase a medium poppy wreath at £19.99 and 12 large lamp-post poppies plus postage under Local Government Act 1972 s.137.
f) To appoint Cllr Godsell as Open Spaces Lead
g) It was resolved to submit an application to the ELDC Councillor Community Grant scheme for £300 towards a picnic bench for the play area.
h) It was resolved to accept the new cost of £115/cut for the 2025 grass cutting schedule.
i) It was resolved to pay the contractor £150 for additional strimming work to the play area.
j) The tree inspection survey report for the play area and field was noted. Tree work will be required in 2025. 
k) Terms for a Management Agreement between The Parish Council and the Trustees of the Ramsden Hall and George V Playing Field were agreed. The Clerk to arrange for the final document to be signed.
l) Only one quotation for the installation of bench at Hareby was received. D Sharpe quoted £475. Initially ,the Clerk to obtain approval from Highways to install a bench on their land. 
m) The Clerk's resignation was noted. The Clerk was thanked for their work. The Staffing Committee to review the applications and arrange interviews for a replacement.
39. Correspondence 
LCC minerals and waste consultation; email correspondence concerning nuisance smell from transport lorries to Knights Farm, ELDC Community Ambassador Award, temporary traffic restrictions- Spilsby Hill (01.10.24) and Horncastle Hill (7 -13.10.24)
40. Clerk and Councillor Reports 
The Clerk reported that the Council are now able to co-opt a Councillor. Highways confirmed that the layby, verge and area near the church gate are not their responsibility. The War Memorial Trust responded to a pre-application for renewing mortar joints on the War Memorial. They will consider a full application for the work.
41. It was noted that the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council will be Thursday 21st November 2024 at 7pm 
The meeting closed at 8.31pm