18th January 2024

Minutes of the Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 18th January 2024 at 7pm in Ramsden Village Hall
Present: Cllr Pam Powell (Chair), Cllr Isobel Godsell, Cllr David Makins,  Cllr C Routh, 
Cllr Caroline Wills-Wright
Member of the Public present: 1
Also in attendance: J Slaymaker - Parish Clerk, County Cllr William Gray
Open Forum
A member of the public discussed recent flooding issues and Country Cllr Gray took notes of affected locations. It was noted that the ELDC jetting lorry had been out and some road gravel clearance had taken place. Cllr Makins passed on contact details of the Fourth Internal Drainage District to the member of public.
64. To open the meeting and welcome
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.14pm.
65. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
No apologies were received.
66. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct 
Cllr Routh stated that he owned one of the properties whose boundaries were referred to in an email received by the Parish Council concerning flooding.
67. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 16th November 2023
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th November 2023 and the Chair signed the minutes.
68. To receive reports from the County and District councillors
County Cllr Gray read his report which is available on the Parish Council’s website. In the absence of District Cllr Grover he also gave a District update concerning grants available from the Home Energy Retrofit Team, Housing drop in sessions, reporting people sleeping out in the cold weather,  renewing the green waste collection and the use of crowd funding to raise funds.
69. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
It was noted that the current account balance was £5,243.83 and the 32-day interest balance: £15,293.69.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations 
The bank reconciliations for November and December were noted and signed by Cllr Makins.
c) To consider and approve a budget for 2024/25
It was resolved to approve a budget of £14,581.00
d) To consider and approve a precept for 2024/25
It was resolved to keep the precept demand as the previous two years being £11,424. The council are confident that they will be successful in getting grant funding to offset expenditure
e) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
05.12.23 Victoria Clark mid term audit £60.00
20.11.23 Tongs asset maintenance (Public Health Act 1875 s.164)  £32.38
20.11.23 Darren Sharp bench maintenance (Parish Councils Act 1957 s.1) £225.00
22.11.23 Andy Jackson grass cutting (Highways Act 1980 s.96) £380.00
22.11.23 PN Fencing deposit play area (Public Health Act 1875 s.164) £600.00
04.01.24 Greenbelt Tree Services (Public Health Act 1875 s.164) £240.00
18.01.24 Westholme Nurseries plants (D Makins) (Highways Act 1980 s.96) £56.80
31.01.24 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £307.84
29.02.24 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £307.84 
Sole Charitable Trustee Payments (ref VATGPB4450)
19.11.23 Currys freezer £179.00 
19.11.23 ADM Heating Oil tank plumbing £298.32
f) To note any income received since the last meeting
The following income was noted:
30.11.23 Transfer from Ramsden Hall Management Committee £1,124.77
30.11.23 Bank interest £32.54
28.12.23 Bank interest £31.57
70. Planning Matters
a) To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting 
No planning applications had been received.
b) To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting
It was noted that planning permission and listed building consent had been approved for 3, The Row, Old Bolingbroke.
c) To consider a consultation regarding tree work ref: 0001/24/TCA at The Laurels, West Keal Road 
It was resolved to support the application.
71. Village Matters
a) To receive the Neighbourhood Watch Report
Linda Creedy gave apologies. The Neighbourhood Watch Report was circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website.
b) To receive an update on highway matters 
Cllr Gray acknowledged that there were many jobs on the Highways system and no timescales had been allocated as Highways were dealing with more serious matters first. Cllr Gray will investigate the position regarding the granite setts installed around the War Memorial which ended up being a composite material. Bollards will be placed on the corners to deter people driving over the grass. Cllr Gray noted that the verges on Hareby Hill were in a poor state due to tractor damage and the amount of silt on the road.
c) To receive an update regarding localised flooding issues 
Some houses had suffered internal flooding. ELDC has funding available via their website and LCC has a flood resilience grant. It was felt that filled in ditches and incorrect culverting added to the flooding issue. County Cllr Gray will query if issues have triggered a s.19 investigation by LCC. It was noted that not all the used sand bags have been returned to the Gas House. It was resolved to cover the costs of refilling two grit bins.
d) To receive an update on Village signs 
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
72. Internal Council Matters
a) To review and approve the website privacy notice
It was resolved to approve the website privacy notice.
b) To receive and note the mid-year audit and resolve any action required
The mid-year audit was received and the minor action points will be addressed by the Clerk.
c) To receive and note monthly playground checks
The playground checks were received and noted.
d) To discuss sections of the play area surface requiring maintenance
It was resolved that delegated authority be granted to the Clerk and Cllr Routh to receive quotations and appoint the most favourable contractor to re-lay part of the playground matting, add topsoil and reseed the area.
e) To consider ringfencing £5,912.50 towards alterations and improvements to Ramsden Hall under Local Government (Misc Provisions) Act 1976 s.19 (financial support to assist a village hall)
It was resolved to assist with the alterations and improvements to Ramsden Hall under Local Government (Misc Provisions) Act 1976 s.19 and £5,912.50 will be allocated from the current  budget.
f) To note that the declarations of acceptance of office where signed before the meeting of 18th May 2023 
It was noted that the declarations of acceptance of office where signed before the meeting of 18th May 2023 by Cllrs Godsell, Makins, Powell, Routh and Wills-Wright
g) To receive an update on a village welcome pack and planned talks 
This item will be deferred to a date following a village open day to be planned when the Ramsden Hall grant situation is known.
h) To consider the Council’s plans/focus for the next 12 months
This item will be looked at along with the village emergency plan and discussed at a later meeting.
i) To receive feedback from the submission of the Policing Priority Setting Form
It was noted that the Parish Council’s priorities were rural theft and speeding. 
j) To receive an update regarding an emergency action plan 
It is planned to form a small group including villagers to develop an emergency plan.
k) To receive information on the commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings on 6th June 2024 
This item was deferred to the March meeting.
l) To consider a response to the government consultation on Street Vote Development Orders 
The clerk to forward the consultation to councillors for comment.
73. To receive correspondence 
The Wolds facilities guide was received for comment. An email about flooding was discussed earlier.
74. Clerk and Councillor Reports 
Information on the proposed devolution is available on LCC’s website. The War memorial chain will be refurbished and the damaged bench at the foot of Spilsby Hill will be removed.
75. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting to be Thursday 21st March 2024 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 9.03pm