21st September 2023

Minutes of the Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 21st September 2023 at 7pm in Ramsden Village Hall
Present: Cllr Pam Powell (Chair), Cllr Isobel Godsell, Cllr David Makins,  Cllr C Routh, 
Cllr Caroline Wills-Wright
County Cllr Gray
Member of the Public present: 1
Also in attendance: J Slaymaker - Parish Clerk
40. To open the meeting and welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting which opened at 7.05pm.
41. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
There were no apologies. It was noted that District Cllr Grover had not been able to attend for a while.
42. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct 
There were no declarations of interest.
43. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 21st July 2023
The minutes of 21st July 2023 were accepted and signed by the Chair.
44. To receive reports from the County and District councillors
County Cllr Gray’s report, previously circulated will be placed on the Council’s website. Cllr Gray also reported that East Lindsey District Council is looking for more Ukrainian host families. Upp Broadband is available in many rural areas (not yet Old Bolingbroke). Call Connect bus journeys to be capped at £2/journey. The Hagnaby Road drainage issue requires the storm drain to be dug out. Potholes in Hareby have been filled recently. LCC are unable to change the ‘national speed limit’ sign on Back Lane due to their policy. ELDC will be touring the District giving advice on what energy saving measures are available. Free courses are available at Butlins. There is a GrassRoots Fund and a Prosperity Fund for groups helping communities. Further information on ELDC website. Cllr Gray was asked to look into LCC providing Parish Council’s with a .gov.uk email address.
45. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
Current account: 2,942.56. 32-day interest account: £15,166.13.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations 
The bank reconciliations dated 22.08.23 and 1.09.23 were noted and signed by Cllr Makins. 
c) To consider payment to Clerk for additional hours worked over last 12 months of 30 hours at £11.63 (22/23 rate)
It was resolved to pay the Clerk for additional hours worked, amounting to £348.90.
d) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
19.05.23 Info Commissioners Office DD (under Local Government Act 1972 s.111) £35
08.08.23 B M Blythe plants in 2022, OOD cheque, destroyed
(under Highways Act 1980 s.96) £216 
21.08.23 Ramsden Memorial Hall reimbursement re geraniums
(under Highways Act 1980 s.96)  £105.00
21.08.23 Lalc Training Clerk (under LGA s.111) £30.00 (£25.00 ex Vat) 
21.09.23 Andy Jackson Grass cutting 3 cuts (Highways Act 1980 s.96) £285.00
30.09.23 Salary (under LGA 1972 s.112) £307.84
31.10.23 Salary (under LGA 1972 s.112) £307.84 
e) To note any income received since the last meeting
The following income was noted:
01.08.23 Interest 32-day account £29.48
01.09.23 Interest 32-day interest account £31.30
46. Planning Matters
a) To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting including:  S/018/01627/23 Listed Building Consent and S/018/01626/23 Planning Permission -Extension and alterations to existing outbuilding to form home office studio annex on the site of an existing extension which is to be demolished for Candlelight Cottage, Back Lane and 
ref: S/018/01663/23 Listed Building Consent and S/018/01659/23 Planning Permission - Internal and external alterations to existing dwelling for 3 The Row - Internal and  external alterations to existing dwelling which is a listed building.
It was resolved to support the four applications S/018/01627/23, S/018/01626/23 at Candlelight Cottage and  S/018/01663/23, S/018/01659/23at 3 The Row.
b) To ratify the informal comments made for ref: S/018/01402/23 - Alterations to existing community building and erection of a mower store on land adjacent to Wisteria Cottage, Church Road
It was resolved to ratify the comment of support for application S/018/01402/23 on land adjacent to Wisteria Cottage.
c) To consider any application for tree work and ratify the informal comments made for proposed tree work at the Old Rectory, Horncastle Hill ref: 0081/23/TCA
It was resolved to ratify the comments of support for tree work at the Old Rectory and also support the application for tree work at Ashleigh, Church Road ref 0093/23/TCA. It was noted that Tree Preservation Order for land at Hall Farm has been confirmed.
47. Village Matters
a) To receive the Neighbourhood Watch Report
Linda Creedy read out the Neighbourhood Watch Report which will be made available on the Council’s website. Linda was thanked for her contribution.
b) To receive an update on highway matters and resolve action  
It was noted that the ‘not suitable for HGV’ sign will be relocated to the layby near the Church. There is an improvement regarding the springs on Back Lane.
c) To re-consider the current budget 2023/24 with regard to grant funding and resolve action
It was decided to leave the budget as set. Money has been set aside for a new noticeboard. It was suggested that the newsletter be used to inform residents of how the Council are supporting the works to the Gas House and immediate area.
d) To consider ordering additional copies of the Spilsby Explorer Magazine and include village news etc at a cost of £146.00 for 150 copies and one page of text per time (published three times a year) and resolve action
It was resolved to trial the Spilsby Explorer for a year for a cost of £438. Cllr Wills-Wright to organise content. Local Government Act 1972 s.142.
e) To receive an update on Village signs and resolve action
A further update was given. The Council is keen to know costings for the next meeting to help with next budget.
f) To receive an update on the proposed Village noticeboard and resolve action
Following the receipt of three quotations it was resolved to proceed with CM Nicholas at £2,700 (subject to final design) for the provision and installation of an oak framed noticeboard, final location to be confirmed. Local Government Act 1972 s.111.
g) To receive quotations for revarnishing the Ramsden Hall bench and resolve action
It was resolved to request that D Sharpe revarnish the Ramsden Hall bench for £225.00. Prish Councils Act 1957 s.1.
h) To consider village benches and resolve action
The recently purchased benches will be located on Spilsby Hill (replacement), at the end of the field, on Back Lane by the planter and in the play area. A replacement bench will be required for the Churchyard entrance. Cllrs Makins and Routh will form a work party to install the benches.
i) To consider and approve the purchase of a Remembrance Day wreath (£24.99) and large poppies for fixing to lamp posts at £5 each (Local Government Act 1972 s.137)
It was resolved to purchase a wreath at £24.99 and 12 large poppies.
j) To further consider evening talks/presentations to include information on living in a Conservation Area and Environmental Issues
Cllrs Godsell and Wills-Wright to liaise with possible speakers.
k) To discuss the continued siting of a container at the Black Horse Inn and use of a camera fixed there and resolve action
The Clerk was asked to chase up the siting of the container with ELDC. It was noted that any concerns regarding the Black Horse Inn camera should be reported to the police by individuals.
l) To discuss uncompleted building works on Back Lane and resolve action
The Clerk was asked to approach ELDC for clarification with regards to uncompleted building works.
m) To consider alternative locations for the defibrillator currently located at the Chapel
It was agreed that any proposed relocation of the defibrillator to a more central location would involve discussions with the Church and the Gas House project.
n) To consider registering the Black Horse Inn as a Community Value Asset with East Lindsey District Council and resolve action
It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.
48. Internal Council Matters
a) To review and approve the following: Risk Management document and Staffing Committee Terms of Reference
It was resolved to approve the reviews of the Risk Management and Staffing Committee terms of reference.
b) To consider and approve the following policies: Grants, Expenses, revised Councillor Vacancy and agree review dates.
It was resolved to adopt the following policies: Grants, Expenses and Councillor Vacancy. To be reviewed next year.
c) To receive and note monthly playground checks
The monthly playground checks were received by the Clerk for filing. It was noted that future signage should include ‘keep your shoes on’.
d) To resolve action concerning repairs to playground equipment and maintenance to the Play Area surface.
It was resolved that additional soil needs to be used on the matting and then grass seed sown. The Clerk to contact Dean Laverack for initial prices. It was resolved that the Clerk continue to identify a contractor to attend to the minor play equipment repairs.
e) To resolve action concerning the additional fencing required in the Play Area to exclude dogs
It was resolved that the Clerk be granted delegated authority to obtain quotations for the Play Area fencing and to proceed with the most favourable quotation.
f) To agree terms for a Grounds Maintenance Service Level Agreement and resolve that the Chair signs the Agreement
It was resolved to agree terms for the Agreement and the Chair signed the Agreement.
g) To review the LCC drains survey for the area
It was noted that the Old Bolingbroke drains had been surveyed and included on the LCC website.
h) To consider the Council’s plans/focus for the next 12 months
It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.
i) To note the External Auditors completion of Audit report, agree a completion of audit notice of 22nd September, display the notice for 14 days and approve payment of £252.00 to PKD Littlejohn
The Audit report was noted. It was resolved to agree a completion  notice of 22nd September and the notice to be displayed for 14 days. It was resolved to pay PKD Littlejohn the invoice of £252.00.
49. To receive correspondence and note any action required
ELDC email concerning the GrassRoots grant funding and briefing event. Fundraising letter from LIVES received. It was resolved that the Council donate £100 to this cause under Local Government Act 1972 s.137.
50. If required, to consider excluding the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the items to be discussed: to receive a report on the Clerks appraisal.
It was resolved to exclude the public and the member of public left the meeting. Cllr Godsell and Makins reported on the Clerks appraisal. All parties were satisfied with the process. 
51. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting will be Thursday 16th November 2023.
The meeting closed at 9.08pm