20th July 2023

Minutes of the Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 20th July 2023 at 7pm in Ramsden Village Hall
Present: Cllr Pam Powell (Chair), Cllr Isobel Godsell, Cllr David Makins,  Cllr Caroline Wills-Wright
Member of the Public present: 1
Also in attendance: J Slaymaker - Parish Clerk
28. To open the meeting and welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting which opened at 7pm.
29. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Routh. These were accepted.
30. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensationsin relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct 
No interests were declared.
31. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 18th May 2023
It was resolved to accept the minutes of 18th May 2023 as a true record and the Chair signed the minutes.
32. To receive reports from the County and District councillors
County Cllr Gray sent apologies and had previously circulated his report which will be placed on the website.
33. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
It was noted that the current account balance was £2,945.18 and the 32-day interest account: £15.101.47.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations 
The bank reconciliation was noted and signed by Cllr Makins
c) To receive payment and receipts for the last quarter and balance against budget
The last quarter payments and receipts and balance against budget were noted.
d) To consider an application for a debit card to be used for purchases up to £250
It was resolved to apply for a debit card for use for purchases up to £250.
e) To note the insurance renewal of £832.13 on 1st June 2023
The insurance renewal of £832.13 was noted.
f) To ratify the decision that the Parish Council be responsible for payment of Hosepipe £56.51 ex Vat to Amazon, Spray Lance £30.82 ex Vat from Amazon and Spray Gun £14.60  ex Vat from Amazon under Local Government Act 1972 s.133 and s.111
It was resolved that the Council pay for the purchase of Hosepipe £56.51 ex Vat to Amazon, Spray Lance £30.82 ex Vat from Amazon and Spray Gun £14.60  ex Vat from Amazon.
g) To consider contributing 1/3 of the Clerk’s SLCC annual subscription, being £37.34
It was resolved to pay £37.34 towards the Clerk’s SLCC annual subscription.
h) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments 
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
24.05.23 ELDC Building Control fees £540.00
05.06.23 Scorer Hawkins Architects Building Control application £2,088 (£1,740 ex Vat)
19.06.23 Amazon (P Powell) Hanging baskets £19.56 (£16.30 ex Vat)
19.06.23 ELDC Election fees £48.50
22.06.23 Andy Jackson grounds maintenance £380.00
20.07.23 Starboard Systems Scribe accountancy software £273.60 (£228 ex Vat)
20.07.23 Andy Jackson grounds maintenance £120.00
20.07.23 Viking Direct office supplies £43.50 (£36.25 ex Vat)
20.07.23 Bluestone Blue Band £200
20.07.23 Play Inspection Annual Safety Inspection £120 (£100 ex Vat)
31.07.23 Salary (under LGA 1972 s.112) £307.84
31.08.23 Salary (under LGA 1972 s.112) £307.84
i) To note any income received since the last meeting
28.04.23 Transfer from Ramsden Memorial Hall £3,850.00
01.06.23 Interest 32-day interest account £20.91
14.06.23 Transfer of balance from Village Plan account £143.82
27.06.23 Transfer from Ramsden Memorial Hall £85.60
27.06.23 Transfer from Ramsden Memorial Hall £25.00
27.06.23 Transfer from Ramsden Memorial Hall £120.77
27.06.23 Transfer from Ramsden Memorial Hall £27.66
17.07.23 Transfer from Ramsden Memorial Hall £1740.00
17.07.23 Transfer from Ramsden Memorial Hall £450.00
01.07.23 Interest 32-day interest account £25.71
34. Planning Matters
a) To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting and ratify the planning comments made between meetings in relation to ref: S/018/01012/23 Listed Building Consent for The Old Manor House, Horncastle Hill Road, Old Bolingbroke and ref: S/018/01011/23 The Old Manor House, Horncastle Hill Road, Old Bolingbroke -Alterations to existing dwelling
It was resolved to ratify the comment of ‘no objection’ in relation to ref: S/018/01012/23 Listed Building Consent for The Old Manor House, Horncastle Hill Road, Old Bolingbroke and ref: S/018/01011/23 The Old Manor House, Horncastle Hill Road, Old Bolingbroke -Alterations to existing dwelling
35. Village Matters
a) To receive the Neighbourhood Watch Report
Linda Creedy sent apologies and the Neighbourhood Watch Report was circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website.
b) To receive an update on highway matters
It was reported that the granite setts for the War Memorial are due to be installed soon. It was confirmed that it is a spring on Back Lane causing issues. Further areas of concern will be followed up later by the Chair.
c) To consider application for tree work Ref: 0062/23/TCA at St Peter And St Pauls Church, Church Road, Old Bolingbroke and resolve action
It was resolved to support the application for tree work at St Peter and St Paul’s Church.
d) To receive an update on the Gas House renovations
Jonathan Čapek reported that the Gas House renovations had been successful in a bid of £95,000 from the Rural prosperity Fund. Jonathan outlined how the Gas House will be developed to become a Walkers Reception, Village History Archive and Community Hub. Councillors were very pleased to hear of the proposals and formally supported the scheme. Jonathan was asked to provide a wish list of expenditure that the Parish Council might consider help with funding for to the next meeting. It was hoped that there would be a shared vision when considering signage and street furniture.
e) To consider in principal contributing financially towards the Spilsby Explorer Magazine which will be distributed around Old Bolingbroke and include local news items and events 
It was resolved in principal to contribute financially towards the Explorer Magazine and further details to be sought by the Clerk. 
f) To receive an update on Village signs
Steve Lumb  and Jack Taylor had produced some draft Village Entrance signs for Cllrs to look at. The Clerk to feedback the sign preferred by Cllrs. It is hoped to arrange a village event in September where residents can find out more about plans of the Church, Gas House, Friends of Bolingbroke Castle etc.
Jonathan Čapek left the meeting at 8.08pm.
g) To receive an update on the proposed village noticeboard and resolve action
It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.
h) To receive an update from The Parish Council as Sole Charity Trustee of Ramsden Village Hall and George V Field
It was reported that the Building Control Regulations had been approved for the Ramsden Hall and builders would be identified to carry out the extension work. The George V Field circular field had been cut by volunteers and an area by the gate was used successfully as an overflow car park at a recent event.
i) To receive quotations for repairing and revarnishing the three older benches
The bench at the bottom of Spilsby Hill was identified as being in a poor state of repair It was proposed to replace this bench and all Cllrs were in agreement. The Clerk to action a replacement from Pelican Trust which is a local company with charitable aims which the Council wish to support. Further quotes to be sought for the maintenance of the Ramsden Hall bench which will be circulated to Cllrs prior to  action.
j) To consider the purchase of a Remembrance Day wreath and alternative commemorative items 
It was resolved that the Clerk obtain prices for a wreath and lamppost wreaths, to be circulated to Cllrs and agreed prior to ordering.
k) To consider hosting a series of evening talks and presentations to include information on living in a Conservation Areas, How to Save Money & the Planet and Heritage issues
It was agreed that talks/presentations on relevant issues would be useful. To discuss further at the next meeting.
l) To receive an update on the damaged LCC Spilsby Hill grit bin and resolve action
It was agreed that the damaged grit bin was not used as it is on a gritting route and the recommendation would be sent to LCC Highways asking for its removal.
36. Internal Council Matters
a) To review and approve the following policies: Communications, Data Breach, Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Record retention
It was resolved to re-adopt the following policies: Communications, Data Breach, Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Record retention.
b) To appoint a member as the Website Lead 
It was resolved to appoint Cllr Wills-Wright as Website Lead.
c) To determine a date for the Clerk’s annual appraisal
A date for the Clark’s appraisal was set and will be conducted by the Staffing Committee.
d) To receive and note monthly playground checks
This item to be deferred to the September meeting.
e) To receive the Annual Playground Inspection report and resolve any action required
The Annual Playground Inspection report was noted and items needing slight attention will be dealt with. The Clerk to obtain quotations.
37. To receive correspondence and note any action required
Letter received concerning responsibilities of residents living in a Conservation Area and what the Council can do to promote understanding of the responsibilities. Emails re defibrillator funding, LCC highways online survey.
38. Clerk and Councillor Reports 
The replacement Ramsden Hall defibrillator has been received and has been installed. Thanks to John Taylor for organising this. The ELDC Enforcement Team were contacted regarding excessive noise levels from the Black Horse. They will monitor the situation.
Items for the next agenda: Grants policy, costs for Gas House renovation project, costs re Spilsby Explorer, update report from Friends of Bolingbroke Castle
39. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 21st September 2023
The meeting closed at 9.10pm