16th November 2023

Minutes of the Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 16th November 2023 at 7pm in Ramsden Village Hall
Present: Cllr Pam Powell (Chair), Cllr Isobel Godsell, Cllr David Makins,  Cllr C Routh, 
Cllr Caroline Wills-Wright
Member of the Public present: 4
Also in attendance: J Slaymaker - Parish Clerk
Open Forum 
A resident thanked Linda Creedy for the work she does in keeping people informed particularly during a recent spate of burglaries in Old Bolingbroke. Any suspicious incident should be reported to the police.
52. To open the meeting and welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened the meeting at 7.14pm.
53. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
Apologies were received from the County Councillor and District Councillor
54. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct 
No declarations of interest were declared.
55. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 21st September 2023
The minutes of the meeting held 21st September 2023 were approved and signed by the Chair.
56. To receive reports from the County and District councillors
The County Councillor’s report had been circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website.
57. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
It was noted that the current account was £7,095.04 and the 32 day interest account was £15,224.07.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations 
The bank reconciliations for 23.10.23 & 31.10.23 and were noted and signed by the Finance Lead.
c) To formally note last quarters payments and receipts and current balance against budget
The last quarters payments and receipts and balance against budget figures were noted.
d) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
26.09.23 Spilsby Town Council Explorer magazine content and copies 3 editions (LGA 1972 s.142) £408.00
28.09.23 LIVES donation (LGA 1972 s.137)  £100.00
16.10.23 Buildbase (C Routh) postfix £33.60 (Parish Council Act 1957 s.1) (£28.00 ex Vat)
27.10.23 Boston Seeds bulbs (under  Highways Act 1980 s.96) £58.99 (£49.15 ex Vat)
01.11.23 Poppy Shop (LGA 1972 under s.137) £33.99 
02.11.23 Viking office supplies (LGA s111)) £26.23 
06.11.23 Sturton Estates bark chippings Rose Garden £187.50
08.11.23 Hutsons (D Makins) engraved plaque (LGA 1972 s.111) £24.00
31.11.23 Salary (under LGA 1972 s.112) £333.84
31.12.23 Salary (under LGA 1972 s.112) £333.84
Sole Charitable Trustee Payments (ref VATGPB4450)
02.11.23 MDH Electrical £502.00 ex Vat
16.11.23 Mill House Farm guard for oil tank £225 ex Vat
e) To note any income received since the last meeting
The following income was noted:
25.09.23 ELDC precept second payment £5,712.00
29.09.23 Interest 32-day account £29.97
06.10.23 HMRC Vat refund £1,478.25
31.10.23 Interest 32-day interest account £34.60
f) To approve the Clerk’s Nalc pay award for scale 8 of £12.84/hour
It was resolved to approve the Clerk’s Nalc pay award of £12.84/hour.
58. Planning Matters
a) To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting 
No planning application were received.
b) To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting
It was noted that the following applications had been approved: S/018/01402/23 land adjacent Wisteria Cottage, Church Road; S/018/01626/23 Candlelight Cottage, Back Lane and listed building consent for S/018/01627/23 Candlelight Cottage.
59. Village Matters
a) To receive the Neighbourhood Watch Report
Linda Creedy was thanked for all the work she does. The report was covered during the Open Forum.
b) To receive an update on highway matters and resolve action  
Flooding had caused damage to highways. The setts have been installed round the War Memorial. It is felt that bollards are required also to stop vehicles cutting the corner. Bank had collapsed on Hagnaby Road.  Residents to keep reporting LCC of issues on Fix My Street.
c) To receive an update on village planters and the Rose Garden and resolve action
It was noted that volunteers had recently weeded re edged the Rose Garden. The bark chippings will be spread soon. The bulbs for the planters have been distributed. It was agreed that a yearly plan is required.
d) To receive an update on Village signs and resolve action 
It was agreed that the Council obtain some quotations as the next step. A public meeting to be organised to show residents what is being planned. Four entrance signs are needed.
e) To consider alternative locations for sandbag storage and resolve action
It was agreed to look at sandbag storage at Ramsden Hall. It was noted that the grit bins need replenishing from filled bags used during the recent flooding. It was noted that the Parish Council might be required to cover the cost of refilling the grit bins. It is considered that over 100 bags are required to be stored.
60. Internal Council Matters
a) To approve appointing Victoria Clerk as Internal Auditor for 2023/24 at £120.00
It was resolved to appoint  Victoria Clerk as Internal Auditor for 2023/24.
b) To receive and note monthly playground checks
The monthly playground checks were received. The minor items requiring work will be dealt with.
c) To receive an update on sections of the play area surface and resolve action
It was agreed to look at this issue in January
d) To resolve action concerning the additional fencing required in the Play Area 
It was resolved to proceed with PN Fencing and for the work to include fitting a new gate to the woodland area, a new latch to the main play area gate and a bench round the play area tree.
e) To receive the Asset Inspection Record and resolve any action required
The Asset Inspection record was received. It was agreed to dispose of the old laptop and replace the bench on the foot of Spilsby Hill. The two donated benches in the field require oiling,
f) To approve delegated authority to the Clerk to receive quotations for the removal of a diseased fir tree adjacent to the Ramsden Hall carpark and a dying larch in the area of woodland adjacent to the play area and proceed with the most favourable quotation  
It was resolved to delegate authority to the Clerk to receive quotations for the removal of two trees and proceed with the most favourable quote.  
g) To consider the Council’s plans/focus for the next 12 months
It was agreed to hold a further meeting to discuss plans and include also an emergency plan.
h) To consider the Sub-regional Strategy consultation and resolve action
The survey will be completed by cllrs at a later date.
i) To consider the Parish Policing Priority Setting Meeting Feedback Form and resolve action
The survey will be completed by cllrs at a later date.
j) To nominate a councillor to attend the (virtual) Police Parish Council Engagement Session on 5th December 6-8pm
It was agreed that Cllr Makins would attend.
k) To consider the Local Resilience Forum survey, consider developing an emergency action plan and resolve action
The survey will be completed by cllrs at a later date. 
l) To consider registering the Black Horse Inn as a Community Value Asset with East Lindsey District Council and resolve action
It was agreed to register the Black Horse inn as a Community Value Asset.
m) To consider the LEDC Sports Facilities survey and resolve action
The survey will be completed by cllrs at a later date.
61. To receive correspondence and note any action required
ELDC confirmed they would provide 5 trees as part of the Community Orchard scheme. The Wolds survey had been received. This will be completed by cllrs at a later date.
62. Clerk and Councillor Reports 
Cllrs Godsell and Wills-Wright updated cllrs on their work on producing a Welcome Pack and gave further details about a series of talks to take place in the Spring. The Clerk updated the position regarding the container currently sited at the Black Horse Inn and unfinished building projects. A redeclaration has been submitted with the Pensions Regulator. The Clerk reported on the Funding Briefing attended by the Clerk and Chair and the recent Support Summit.
63. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting will be Thursday 18th January 2024