March 2022



Once again we have had a fairly quiet couple of months in our village.

Our villagers continue to remain alert and vigilant .


A Suspicious Person Seen In Our Village.


On Saturday the 13th of March at 10.30am. a male was seen by a couple of villagers drive his Silver Toyota Pick Up Registration PO54 AZT on to the drive way of The School House next to the village hall.


The male told the villagers that he wanted to ask the owner if the caravan was for sale.

This property is being renovated by the new owner who is living in the caravan on this property but was out at the time.


The villagers thought this was suspicious and rang Lincolnshire Police on a 101 .


If anyone sees or hears anything suspicious please ring it in immediately to give the Police a chance to come out to check and follow up reports and sightings.



Other Areas Have Not Been Quite So Lucky.


Report Of Stolen Items From Our Horncastle Policing Team . 


Stolen from High Toynton

17/2/2022. Involves a pedal cycle with distinctive mint green with grey stripes stolen from an outbuilding.


18/2/2022, Involves 2 lots of  garden machinery

A cordless hedge and garden strimmer .

A red ride on mower.



Heating Oil Thefts.


Take some simple measures to avoid becoming a victim of oil theft.


The rising price of heating oil is making criminals target rural areas.

Domestic heating oil stored in tanks are attractive targets for thieves.

Please consider extra lighting or CCTV as extra security measures.

You can stop prying eyes by screening your tank from the roadside.

If possible invest in a good quality close shackle padlock as they offer most resistance to thieves .

Check you tanks regularly to make sure they have not been tampered with.

Keep a regular inventory of quantities so that thefts can be identified promptly.

Install oil level gauges to trigger an audible alarm if the oil in the tank suddenly falls below a quarter full. 

Thefts are often committed overnight against unprotected tanks and offences remain unnoticed until your central heating does not work because of the lack of oil.


Please make it as difficult as possible to stop these criminals stealing from your property.


Please continue to remain alert and vigilant.


Any problems concerning NHW please contact me on 01790 763521.

Or email at


Linda Creedy NHW Co-ordinator.