January 2022


Apart from one incident in our village it has been a very quiet start to this New Year.

On 26/1/2022 an incident in our village was reported to Lincolnshire Police on a 101.

A White Ford Transit Van was seen in Old Bolingbroke registration NL11 OSR .

Male driver and female passenger who were seen acting suspiciously driving through our village and taking too keen an interest in properties and gardens.

Stopping to ask for scrap metal along the way.

If anyone hears or sees anything suspicious please ring 101 immediately to give the police a chance to come out to check and follow up reports and sightings .

Once reported then Facebook is a good social site to alert the village of any suspicious activities taking place in our village but please ring it in first.

Lincolnshire Police are asking us to be alert and vigilant in case any Hare Coursing is taking place on any farm land in our area. They believe our rural communities can play an important part in helping to catch these criminals.

If you see any incidents or you see a lone lost Sight Hound (Greyhound , Lurchers and Salukis ) on farming land please contact Lincolnshire Police immediately. These dogs sometimes are left behind and Coursers will usually come back for them and it can also be an indication that they are still working in the area.

Coursers are often engaged in illegal betting involving large sums of money and these dogs are worth thousands of pounds .

Lastly please remember to make sure your property and belongings are made secure to make it as difficult as possible to allow these criminals to steal them.

If you see or hear anything suspicious then please ring it in on a 101 Lincolnshire Police immediately.

Please continue to remain alert and vigilant.

Any problems concerning NHW please contact me on 01709 763521.

Or email me lindacreedy47@aol.com




Linda Creedy NHW Co-ordination.