Unapproved notes of the meeting of 14th March 2024

Minutes of the Old Bolingbroke with Hareby Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 14th March 2024 at 7pm in Ramsden Village Hall
Present: Cllr Pam Powell (Chair), Cllr Isobel Godsell, Cllr T Deal, Cllr David Makins
Also in attendance: J Slaymaker - Parish Clerk
76. The Chair opened the meeting at 7pm and welcomed everyone.
77. Apologies were received from Cllrs Routh and Wills-Wright. These were accepted.
78. There were no declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 
79. The Chair moved the co-option item and it was resolved to co-opt Tony Deal. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed and Cllr Deal was welcomed.
80. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2024 as a true record and the Chair signed the minutes.
81. County Councillor Gray sent apologies. His monthly report to be placed on the website and included information on the Lincolnshire County Council Budget, Call connect single journeys are now price capped, the National Grid pylon proposal, Louth Road Horncastle – Footpath Improvements, importance of measles vaccination (www.nhs.uk/measles) 
and a  County catch-up e-newsletter aimed at keeping local people updated about LCC (www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/news/article/1650/making-the-news). 
82. Finance
a) It was noted that the current account was £17,012.85 and the 32-day interest account £15,352.58.
b) The February bank reconciliations were noted and signed by Cllr Makins
c) It was resolved to approve payment of the annual subscription to Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils of £152.56
d) It was resolved to approve payment to LALC for the Annual Training Scheme of £132
e) It was resolved to approve the following payments:
26.02.24 Gov.uk (D Makins) Land Registry title search £6.00
31.03.24 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £333.84
30.04.24 Salary (LGA 1972 s.112) £333.84 
f) The following income was noted:
31.01.24 Interest £35.96
02.02.24 UKSPF GRASSroots Grant for Ramsden Hall project £12,499.50
21.02.24 Interest £31.63
83. Planning Matters
a) It was resolved to support the following applications:  S/018/00301/24 & S/018/00302/24 (Listed Building application) for the Butchers Shed, Moat Lane - alterations to existing community building. S/018/00337/24, land adjacent to Wisteria Cottage, Church Road - alterations to existing community building and erection of a mower store.
b) It was resolved to ratify the informal comment of ‘no objection’ made in relation to a treework application ref 0008/24/TCA at Southlands, West Keal Road,
84. Village Matters
a) The  Neighbourhood Watch Report was received. Linda Creedy sent her apologies. The report will be placed on the Council’s website.
b) There was an update on highway issues. LCC has undertaken some drain work recently and some culvert cleaning will take place. It was agreed a parish work party would be a help to cut back some of the vegetation on the field verge.
c) It was agreed to defer the Village sign item to a future meeting. 
85. Internal Council Matters
a) It was agreed to apply for the government funded King's Official Portrait. The Clerk to action.
b) The monthly playground checks were noted. It was agreed to approach the installers Koman initially regarding the matting that has deteriorated. The Clerk to action.
c) Only one quotation was submitted for the installation of a bench to the foot of Spilsby Hill and it was resolved to appoint Mr Sharpe to undertake the work at £125.
d) It was agreed to monitor the minor work required to the spring horse in the play area.
e) It was reported that an initial inspection of the War memorial by a local stonemason found it to be in fair condition. A list of options to be sent to the Council for consideration at the next meeting.
f) It was resolved to approve an application for the District Councillor Community Grant scheme for £400 towards the play area fencing.
g) An update regarding an emergency action plan was deferred.
h) It is hoped that the local bellringers will be involved in the commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings on 6th June 2024. The Chair will make an approach.
i) It was resolved to approve a subscription to Plunket UK at a cost of £200 to progress the registration of the Black Horse Inn as a Community Value Asset. The Clerk to action.
j) It was resolved to re-adopt the following: Social Media; Equality and Diversity; Accessibility Statement and adopt a Subject Access Request Procedure. To be reviewed in 2025.
k) Cllr Deal offered to attend the Virtual police summit on 27th June.
l) It was resolved to appoint Cloud Next as an Approved Registrar for the provision of a .gov.uk email address. The cost equated to  £105 a year.
m) The training records for 2023 were noted.
n) The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 6.30pm on Thursday 16th May.
86. There was no correspondence requiring action. 
87. It was reported that during a recent village event regarding information detailing current village projects, several villagers thanked the Chair for the hard work undertaken by Councillors which has not gone unnoticed. Items for the next agenda: to discuss sandbags and storage and to discuss revisiting the Village Plan.
88. The date of the next meeting of the Parish Council Annual meeting was noted being Thursday 16th May 2024 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 9pm