November 2021
Minutes of the Ramsden Hall Village Committee Meeting
held on November 18 2021 in Ramsden Hall
Those present: Carol Wilby (Chair), Pam Powell (Secretary), Roy Hallam, David Makins (as SCT rep), Isobel Godsell, Rowland Alexander,
Apologies Debs Talmage, Julia Alexander, Charles Routh
Declarations of Interest: None were declared by those present
Minutes: All agreed the minutes of the last meeting should be signed by the Chair.
Matters arising: There were no matters arising
Correspondence: None received
- RA stated he was reporting for two months and would provide an email detailing both income and expenditure at each meeting.
- He reported bank balance as at 31/10/21 £43,168.77 Petty cash £73.43
Income NB Rowland will provide an email with details
Expenditure NB Rowland will provide an email with details
- It was agreed that RA would provide a variance forecast against the three year financial plan at each meeting
Management Plan/Governance
- The three-year management plan has been signed off by the Trustees and presented to residents at the Annual Parish Meeting. It can also be found on the PC website.
- It was agreed that a building survey would be undertaken as a priority. This would underpin financial planning, including maintaining a budget reserve and prioritisation of maintenance and development. Once completed this would become an addendum to the management plan.
- PP has already contacted various trades people regarding improvements to the kitchen and toilets. It was agreed that the building survey would be completed before any work commenced.
- It was agreed that an ad hoc/extra ordinary meeting would be held once the building survey has been completed to discuss short, medium and long-term development and maintenance objectives and priorities, and agree amendments to the three-year finance plan.
ACTION PP to contact building surveyors
Cleaning and Maintenance
- It was decided to look into the employment of a cleaner for 3/4 hours per month at £10/hour and at other times as required.
Action PP to look into employment of a cleaner.
- Work to convert the gents toilet into a storeroom has been completed.
- Deep cleaning of the toilet floors has been carried out. Thanks to DT for doing this.
- Fire stop have completed the annual inspection of the fire extinguishers. No action required.
- WiFi has now been installed in the hall. £100 compensation has been received from BT for the delay in installation.
- Blinds have been installed but issues have been noted with the acoustics in the hall. Acoustic panels could be used to improve this situation.
Action IG to pursue options
- PAT testing is still to be undertaken
PP action
- Heating timer to be used for regular hall bookings.
- The hall hire booking form has been updated
Action PP to circulate to all committee members
- Regular users were back in the hall
- Dance classes have commenced on Tuesday evenings
- Birthday party
- Lunch club restarted
- Harvest Supper
- MacMillan coffee morning
Proposed extension to the Hall
- PP has discussed options of changing the current planning permission with Ian Carrington from ELDC. No planning permission is required to alter the interior space but formal discussion with ELDC (including the production and submission of drawings) would be necessary to alter the exterior. It may be possible to add some additional space through limited, permitted development rights, however, it may be necessary to apply for further/amended planning permission.
- It was agreed that any amendments to the current plan for developing and extending the hall must be discussed and agreed by the committee prior to any work commencing. Expenditure limits must be discussed and agreed as these will influence the three-year financial forecast.
Planned events
- Unfortunately, the Christmas fair planned for 4 December has had to be cancelled. This is due to crafters and potential stallholders already being committed to other markets/events. A notice of cancellation to be posted in the VH notice board and on the RVH Facebook page.
Action CW to undertake this
- Spring Fair, 26 March 2022
- Quiz nights from January
- Tea dance late May
- Bicycle Sunday morning meet
- Pop up pub New Year’s Eve
- Dog Show
- RH to ask about Marquee
- PP to ask about bicycle meet
- DM to plan quiz
- JA to sort tea dance and dog show possibilities
- PP to contact ELDC re licence
- CW tendered her resignation as RVHMC Chair and as a committee member. Resignation letter appended to the meeting notes
Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be at 3pm on Tuesday 4 January 2022
The meeting closed at 4.55pm