January 2022

Minutes of the Ramsden Hall Village Committee Meeting

 held on January 4th 2022 in Ramsden Hall

Those present:   Rowland Alexander(Treasurer), Isobel Godsell, Roy Hallam, David Makins, Pam Powell (Secretary),

Apologies   Debs Talmage, Julia Alexander, Charles Routh

Declarations of Interest: None were declared by those present

Election of new Chairperson: PP nominated DM and RA seconded the proposal and all agreed. DM accepted the position

Minutes:   The minutes of the last meeting were signed by the Chair.

Matters arising:   There were no matters arising


  • RA reported bank balance as at 31/12/21 £43,649.50 Petty cash £75.49

Income Nov/Dec


  • Bluestones/Keep Fit/Dance Club/FOBC.        252.00
  • Quilters.                                                               300.00
  • Bell Ringers Party.                                              283.00
  • Operation Wallacea Party.                                474.00
  • Funeral.                                                                200.00
  • Quiz Night                                                              50.00                       
  • Lincs Rural Grant.                                                205.00
  • Donation.                                                                43.00

Total                                                                     1807.00

    Expenditure Nov/Dec

  • Electricity                                                                93.11
  • BBL                                                                         102.48
  • East Lincolnshire Blinds.                                   1198.70
  • Catering.                                                                  63.57
  • Fire Extinguisher Service.                                     37.26
  • Paper Towels.                                                         24.37
  • BT Group.                                                                 23.95



  • It was agreed that RA would provide a variance forecast against the three year financial plan at each meeting
  • One hirer had not paid their invoice for £90

Action PP would contact the hirer.

  • DM reported there was the possibility that further grants may be available from ELDC.
  • RA reported that the Performing Rights Association would not requirement payment until a review in April.
  • It was agreed PP could go ahead and purchase soup bowls for the kitchen.


Refurbishment of the Hall

  • There was a lengthy discussion about refurbishment of various parts of the hall.
  • It was agreed to carpet the foyer area of the hall. A resident (GT)had agreed to help by making sure the white doors would fit over the carpeted area. The foyer area needed painting and the brown doors varnishing. Broken skirting tiles needed replacing.
  • GT had also agreed to look at the possibilities for returning doors to the end of hall. Building regs would be checked regarding the fire regulations in place.
  • A plumber in the village (H) had agreed to replace the disabled/gents toilet cistern and to put a new inset basin into a vanity unit to be created in the ladies toilet area.
  • New handles, toilet seats and toilet roll holders were required.
  • New signs were required for the toilet area.
  • It was agreed to wait until CRS had completed a design for the kitchen area. They would be asked to offer a price for the goods and another for doing the work

ACTION PP to contact CRS

  • One quote had been received for the electrical work that needed to be undertaken in the hall.

DM to chase second electrical quote


  • Regular users
  • Burns night in January
  • March Fayre
  • Jubilee celebrations in June
  • Wedding 2 day booking in June

Date of next meeting

The next meeting would be at 11am on Thursday 13 January 2022


The meeting closed at 4.30pm