September 2023
Minutes of the Ramsden Village Hall Management Committee held on September 19th 2023
Present: Rowland Alexander, Isobel Godsell, David Makins (Chair), Pam Powell
Apologies: Julia Alexander, Emma Ankers, Charles Routh, Caroline Wills-Wright
Declarations of Interest: None
Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as correct.
Matters arising: None
Finance: Bank balance as at 31/08/23. £16353.06
Petty Cash as at 31/0523. £41.78
Income £
Regulars. 734
ELDC 247.5
S Lilley (Wake) 40
Bible group 90
A Stride 10
Catering 5
Book donations 48.50
Plant sale 35
Donations 95
Easy funding 16.38
Total . 1321.38
Electricity. 54.12
WiFi. 108.72
BBL. 147.90
Disco. 150.00
Water. 55.84
Refuse Sacks. 2.75
Insurance 597.86
LED floodlight 85.60
Hanging baskets 114
Building control 2190
Yoga teacher owes £32 for hall hire
Olivia Jeacock owes money for hire of the hall (Dog training)
FOBC owes for the hire of the hall
An invoice had been received for the re-enactment costs.
Cleaning and Maintenance:
Matthew and Amanda Pisarro were thanked for cutting the hedge.
Two new bins had been ordered for the kitchen
Four small tables have been ordered
Harvest Supper
Tea party
Christmas dinners
Burns night
Future events:
Clothes show cancelled
Dreambelles cancelled
Two quotes have been received and we are waiting for a quote
Julia has resigned with immediate effect and Rowland will resign at the November meeting
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday November 14th 2023 at 4pm