December 2020

Minutes of the Ramsden Hall Village Committee Meeting held on 8th December 2020 by. Zoom

Those present: Carol Wilby (Chair), Pam Powell (Secretary), Debs Talmage, Roy Hallam

Rowland Alexander, David Makins (as PC rep). Apologies Yvonne Norbron, Julia Alexander

Attending: No members of the public attended.

Declarations of Interest: None were declared by those present

Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were signed by the Chair.

Matters arising:

  • A letter of thanks had been sent to Roy Hallam and Dave Ellis. A total of £807 was raised from the sale of plants and donations given for the surplus fruit and vegetables donated by residents.


  • CW reported she had received a letter from the PC requesting an agreement to pay the 3 rd party funding necessary for the FCC funding application to go ahead. All the committee had agreed to this and so the application was able to be submitted. The PC will not find out if their request was successful until March.


  • DM reported from April 1st to end of November rent £500, events £141, catering £25, Plants and produce sale £807 and donation £30
  • Expenses total for the same period £148 Electricity £74 water £120 sundries  
  • Surplus of £1065.
  • Grant £10000, Bounce back loan £2750, £1334 was received for local restrictions support grant(closed)
  • Of the £6000 from the VH in the joint account with the PC £5354 had been spent. The PC are to put £1500 into the joint PC/VH account. It was agreed by the committee to match the PC by placing £1500 into the joint PC/VH account.


  • A grant of £567 had been allocated for WiFi to be put in the VH and DM had obtained 24months for the price of 21months. Another telegraph pole was needed so this would delay the installation.
  • RA gave the following details: the bank balance as at 30/11/2020 £27,817.82, (this included grants and loan) petty cash £37.11
  • Expenditure:

Opus energy €20.35 (Oct)f29.99(Nov) virtually all standing charge

Water bill (3rd quarter) £42.87 standing charge

Hand sanitisers and solution £119.95

COVID Regulations

  • Track and Trace notices had been placed in the hall and outside noticeboard.
  • People using the hall note their time of entry and leaving on a sheet in the kitchen.
  • PP checks the signage in the play area on a regular basis.
  • A bin had been requested from Cllr Will Grover.

Proposed extension to the Hall

  • The questionnaire survey which had asked residents for their opinion about the possible rise in the precept if a Public Works Board Loan was used to fund the extension to the Hall had 61 responses 30 for 31 against and 1 abstention. Letters had been received by the PC from some who actually agreed to the use of the precept but not at this point in time.

  • A PC newsletter would help to clarify the current situation and the way forward.
  • A fire extinguisher which the VH had paid for was finally installed when CW met the person responsible for checking them.


  • PP Any ideas about funding would be welcomed.
  • DM The PC granted a lease to the VHC in 2001 which was revoked in 2015 and a subcommittee formed in 2016 with new rules which were revised in 2017 to allow for more members and for there to be a Treasurer as the Clerk did not want to responsible for VH monies. 
  • At present it would seem that VAT is not recoverable on the new extension building costs.
  • If the PC registered for VAT all income for hiring and events would be liable to VAT.
  • RA and DM would produce a paper detailing the implications if the PC were to be VAT registered


  • CW to ask Sam Smith for advice


  • Possible need for an extraordinary meeting in January to discuss VAT/the relationship between the PC and VHC.

Date of next meeting February 16th 2021 at 7pm by Zoom or in the hall. Members will be notified nearer the time