April 2023
Minutes of the Ramsden Village Hall Management Committee held on April 26thth 2023
Present: Julia Alexander, Rowland Alexander Emma Ankers, Isobel Godsell, Roy Hallam, David Makins (Chair), Pam Powell (Secretary)
Apologies: Charles Routh
Declarations of Interest: None
Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as correct.
Matters arising: None
Bank Balance as at 31/03/23. £20507.55
Petty Cash £36.04
Rent from Bluestones/Dance Club/Yoga/Keep Fit £298.00
Bible meetings £75.00
Book donations £24
Total Income. £397.00
Electricity. £42.55
BBL. £49.35
WiFi. £31.68
Total. £123.58
End of Year report
Total income £10,025.41
Running costs £3821.64
Surplus £6203.77
Rent £4028.00
Catering £4,463.00
Refurbishment costs £20,187.24
Architect fees and planning costs paid £1529.03
The discretionary rate relief letter has been received.
Cleaning and Maintenance:
The Alarm system and Boiler system are due fir servicing Action RA
Edging to the worktop needs repairing. Action GT
Investigations about watering of the hanging baskets and plants Action IG
A new hose attachment is needed before we need to start watering the plants. Action IG
We are still waiting for MG Dales quote and will need one from Mablethorpe joinery.
Action IG DM
Opwall 24/25th April
Election 4th May
Future events:
Quiz night – May 12th 2023
Disco May 5th
King’s Coronation May 6th 2023 – 3pm
Support our field tea party June 4th 2023
We are awaiting building regs. These are needed for us to contact builders for quotes.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday June 20th at 4pm
The meeting closed at 17.10