September 2021

Minutes of the Ramsden Hall Village Committee Meeting

 held on September 7th 2021 in Ramsden Hall

Those present:    Carol Wilby (Chair), Pam Powell (Secretary), Roy Hallam, David Makins (as SCT rep), Isobel Godsell, Rowland Alexander, Julia Alexander

Apologies   Debs Talmage, Charles Routh

Declarations of Interest: None were declared by those present

Minutes:   All agreed the minutes of the last meeting should be signed by the Chair.

Matters arising:    

  • CW had contacted YN and thanked her for her contribution to the work of the committee.
  • CW had contacted the electrician and the defibrillator at the hall was now working.

Correspondence:   None received


  • RA stated he was reporting for three months.
  • He reported bank balance as at 31/08/21 £43,142.85. Petty cash £50.48


  • ELDC for use as a polling station                 £198
  • Donations                                                            £246
  • Plant Sale.                                                        £65 (Total so far £815)
  • Rent - Keep Fit/Bluestones                          £96
  • Village fete                                                         £684.12


  • Anglian Water                                                 £78.20
  • Opus Energy-June                                           £19.57
  • Opus Energy-July                                            £18.05
  • Opus Energy-August                                       £26.01           
  • Closure of joint account with PC                £3779.35
  • Enlarge map for the hall                                £55
  • Paint for the hall                                               £163.20
  • Painting of the hall                                           £405 ( £150 given as a donation)
  • Fire extinguisher                                              £41.16
  • Cleaning materials                                           £26.14
  • Door repairs                                                       £10.11
  • Replacement key                                             £4.50
  • Expenses for village fete                               £233.75
  • Two repayments of bounce back loan     £102.87
  • Annual Insurance                                             £491.09

Management Plan/Governance

  • Work is ongoing on the three plan and will be a focus at the next meeting before being signed off by the Trustees.


ACTION CW to circulate draft to members before the next meeting.

Cleaning and Maintenance

  • It was decided to look into the employment of a cleaner for 3/4 hours per month at £10/hour and at other times as required.

Action PP to look into employment of a cleaner.

  • Concertina doors were no longer available and so it was decided to use vertical blinds instead.

Action CW to purchase

  • A quote had been obtained to convert the current gents toilet into a storeroom. Pipework would be capped, debris removed. It was agreed to accept the quote of £550 and to action the work.

CW to action

  • PAT testing was needed

PP to ask about this


  • Regular users were back in the hall
  • Gospel meeting 5 weeks from Thursday
  • Birthday party
  • Lunch club restarted
  • Harvest Supper
  • MacMillan coffee morning
  • Pilates
  • LRHA
  • Craft course

Proposed extension to the Hall

  • No progress could be made in the current climate with risings costs and lack of builders willing to quote.

Planned events

  • Mini Christmas Market 4th December
  • Bonfire night 30th October
  • Quiz nights from January  
  • Tea dance late May  
  • Bicycle Sunday morning meet
  • Pop up pub New Year’s Eve
  • Dog Show 
  • RH to ask about Marquee
  • PP to ask about bicycle meet
  • DM to plan quiz
  • JA to sort tea dance and dog show possibilities
  • PP to contact ELDC re licence


  • New playground sign to be erected. This will be sorted by the SCT.
  • Dead tree to be removed from copse and tree stumps ground. VH to pay £150 toward the cost of removing the tree stump in the carpark.
  • New gate and path to be created at front of hall -PP has slabs
  • BT Internet 22nd September


Date of next meeting

The next meeting would be at 7pm on Tuesday November 9th

The meeting closed at 20.30pm