June 2023

Minutes of the Ramsden Village Hall Management Committee held on June 20th 2023

Present:  Rowland Alexander, Isobel Godsell, Roy Hallam, David Makins (Chair), Pam Powell

Apologies:  Julia Alexander, Emma Ankers, Charles Routh

Declarations of Interest: None

Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as correct.

Matters arising: None

Finance:        Bank balance as at 31/05/23.     £18425.72

Petty Cash as at 31/0523.            £29.53

Income                                                               £

Regulars.                                                         500.00

LRHA.                                                                 80.00

Opwall.                                                            180.00

                                           Total Rent.           760.00

Catering.                                                        1186.00

Disco.                                                               185.00            

Book Donations                                                21.00      

                                           Total Income.     2152.00


Electricity.                                                          91.73

WiFi.                                                                    71.30

BBL.                                                                     99.04

Disco.                                                                150.00

Water.                                                                 57.17

Refuse Sacks.                                                       2.75

Cleaning Materials.                                             4.78

Toy Hire.                                                             10.00

Coronation Flags.                                              11.98

Water Heater.                                                    15.00

Total Expenditure.                                            513.75

Hall Refurbishment costs                              3875.00


The rates rebate had been granted.

ELDC had sent a reminder about the invoice for the hire of the hall for the election

Allied Westminster had sent a renewal invitation.

K Jacklin had audited the books for the year ended 31st March 2023 and the accounts could now be sent to the PC Clerk to be put on the website.


Cleaning and Maintenance:

The Alarm system was to be serviced in July   Action RA

A&M had failed to show to service the boiler. They were to be contacted again. Action RA

The hosepipe and lance had been purchased and were in use.



Hire of tables and chairs by C & A Tagg

Harvest Supper


Future events:

Involvement with re-enactment

Tea Party

Clothes show



Floorplan and discussion with Glenn T   Action PP

Hedge laying- contact to be made with interested parties     Action IG


Date of next meeting:

Tuesday September 19th 2023 at 4pm